Thursday, April 17, 2008

I guess I get to live......

I was listening to the radio the other day and the portion of the show I tuned into was dealing with the various conspiracy theories that are prevalent in the world today. Included of course were the old standbys of the Kennedy assassination, and moon landing as well as the newer ones of 9/11 and TWA flight 1800.

At one point as the the discussion was on the New World Order theory a caller got on the line and said asked the host a question that I had never heard in relation to this particular theory. He asked what color the numbers on the back of the hosts Social Security Card were. When the host said "Black" the caller then said "Well you get to live."

Apparently, as the caller explained, one facet of the NWO theory is that anyone who has Red numbers on the back of their Social Security Card is set to be sent to a Concentration Camp and executed when the NWO takes control.

Now I don't put much stock in conspiracy theories but I would be lying if i told you I was not curious about the numbers on the back of my SSC, one reason being that I was not aware that there were numbers there. And I found black numbers on the back of my card.

I guess I can breathe a little easier.

Til we meet again,


Saturday, April 5, 2008

I've just had an apostrophe! I think you mean an epiphany.

In case you haven't noticed how strange me and my family are here is a little insight into our psyche. I realized today that when the unfortunate time comes that my father and mother are no longer with us, my brother, my sister, and myself will not be fighting over the usual things that siblings tend to fight over at that time. (i.e. money, cars, televisions and the like.) No instead the one thing that will more than likely cause us strife, especially in mine and my brothers case, is my father's book collection. We are going to go crazy at that time trying to decide who gets what. I am not looking forward to it.

Til we meet again,

Bonus points to the person who can guess the movie that this post title refers to.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A little bit of my childhood

Does anybody else remember the old read along adventure books back from the early 1980's? I just came upon an article on the internet about the Indiana Jones ones, and it brought back some very happy memories for me. Back when I was a litte boy, (yes I was little at one time) I used to spend hours on end at my Nana and Grandaddy's house litsening to those tapes and reading along with the books. Reading over the article I remembered that among the rather decent library of books that my granparents had were Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Temple of Doom. Also among those books were Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi along with many Disney and I belive Muppett stories. I trace my love of reading to these adventures more than any other reason for it. I cherish those memories and hope that one day I can provide them to my children as well.