Wednesday, January 28, 2009

28 things about me.

Hello all. For those of you who know me you know that today is my birthday. So I thought I would let everyone get to know me a little bit better by answering a few questions.

1. Dream Car- Aston Martin DBS

2. Favorite Book- The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

3. Dream Vacation- Worldwide Theme Park tour followed by a tour of all Major League Baseball Stadiums

4. Favorite Obscure Movie- Life as a House.

5. Favorite Movie Quote- "Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most: that people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; that love, true love, never dies... No matter if they're true or not, a man should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in." -Secondhand Lions

6. Aside from my acting, my greatest catharsis comes from my writing.

7. Contrary to popular belief, theater is not my first love. That place belongs to Baseball. Every spring I miss being able to play more than anything.

8. My brother and I used to get mistaken for each other all the time. Once, while we were working at the same grocery store, we both dressed up as gangsters for Halloween. I got called up to the front to bag, but my brother told me he would do it because he wanted to see how long it would take them to realize it was him and not me. The answer.......45 minutes.

9. Probably the greatest irony of my life to date is the fact that between my brother and me, I was always the inferior athlete, but I was on a State Champion Wrestling team, a two time conference winning football team and the first Baseball team to win any trophy of any kind for our school in like 25 years. He on the other hand was always on teams that were inferior to his own abilities.

10. I was born with a collapsed lung.

11. I am not a sports nut. For the most part I follow sports with passing interest. I know enough to be able to hold conversations and to know what is going on. I follow the big sporting events of the year, i.e. The Masters, The Superbowl, Daytona etc..... However when UGA football is on I become a raving lunatic. It is actually quite funny.

12. My perfect year in sports would consist of. Georgia winning the BCS championship, Atlanta winning the Super Bowl, Tiger completing the Grand Slam, Dale Jr winning the Nextel Cup, and Atlanta winning the World Series.

13. If I could only watch 5 movies for the rest of my life they would be. Star Wars (OT), Casablanca, The Godfather, Lonesome Dove, and The LOTR.

14. Favorite Dog- UGA

15. The people I most admire- My Parents and my Grandaddy.

16. My dream job- Paid Rollercoaster rider.

17. Favorite historical figure- Jesus Christ. Even if you don't believe in him as the son of God you have to admit he had a wonderful philosophy on life.

18. Favorite Quote- "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." -G.K. Chesterton

19. Favorite Chuck Norris Fact- While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium.

20. My inner circle- J9, love ya babe, Pete, he's da man, The Dwyer, although have not heard from him in a while.

21. I often feel as though I was born in the wrong period in time. I feel more at home dressed as a Medieval Knight, or a 1930's newspaper reporter than in my normal street clothes.

22. My biggest fear- Snakes. Hate them.

23. My birthday wish- That my parents can get away for a few days and escape the financial state that we are in right now. They are both so weary of penny pinching, I wish that I could send them on a weekend retreat or something.

24. Places I would most like to visit- Scotland, Ireland, Australia, The Grand Canyon, Montana

25. I am expecting the birth of my very first niece. I can't wait to be the crazy uncle.
26. I am a fan of music. I love harmony, dissonance, and the magic of hearing it all come together. That's probably why I don't listen to much Pop music.
27. I still have many movies from my childhood that I will watch again and again.
28. I am beginning to regret the fact that I got an XBOX for Christmas. This not getting to sleep until midnight is killing me.
Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did in creating it. If not, then I really don't care.
'Til we meet again

Monday, January 26, 2009

A Memorable Meal.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the cast and crew of one of the best shows that it has ever been my privilege in which to perform. "The Man Who Came To Dinner" was a show that I knew little about before reading it. It struck me as a show that could be very very good or very very bad depending on the type of cast that was assembled. I consider our interpretation, a complete success in all ways. So, to all of you who shared the field of battle with me over the last 3 months I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to a wonderful show, and I fervently hope that I will get to share it with you again for many shows to come.

'Til we meet again


Friday, January 16, 2009

My most abject apologies.

To all my faithful blog followers, I first wish to extend my heartfelt apologies for the lack of posts in the month of December. For those of you who know me you know that December was a freakin' crazy month of one thing after another. So I thought that with this post I would catch everyone up to speed as to what kept me so busy that I could not post once the entire month.

It all started the 1st weekend of the month. A two year love affair with a particular play known as "Beckett" premiered at my local community playhouse on the 4th and ran the entire weekend. Needless to say the entire week leading up to it was filled with frantic rehearsals and long nights. I am pleased to announce that it was met with rave reviews even if the crowds were very small you can read the review here if you are interested.

The next event that shaped my month happened the very day after Beckett ended. The company where I work was audited by Texas Medicaid. I was trapped for two days with very nice people from the state reviewing our ability to service the product that we are contracted to service. Following that wonderful experience I was then allowed to be part of a new training class as an instructor, for that same product. That took up the next week of my life and then I was finally at the one thing that I had been looking forward to the entire month. December 18th 2008 I started my Christmas vacation. 10 days of not having to work. That being said I by no means had a slow vacation. On top of having rehearsal's for The Man Who Came To Dinner, which incidentally has opened and been reviewed,(see if interested.), I got to play Taxi to my Brother and his lovely Wife and my Sister, who came to visit for Christmas.

Not that I am complaining understand. I love my siblings and hate the fact that we are so far away from each other. But this was my vacation. Thursday December 18th drove to the Orlando/Sanford Airport 2 1/2 hrs away to pick my Brother and his wife up, then rehearsal that night. Friday thru Tuesday at the house relaxing. I guess I could have spent this time updating my blog but you know I was on vacation and did not feel like it so sue me. Tuesday Dec. 23rd drove with Dwight and Jenny to Daytona Beach to visit with the Grandparents and my Aunt Lynda while we waited for my sister to arrive at 11 p.m. in Orlando, did not get home until 2:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve. Wednesday Dec. 24th had Christmas at the house with everyone. Got an XBOX almost creamed myself. Thought you'd like to know. Thursday Dec. 25th drove back to Orlando/Sanford to take Dwight and Jenny back to the airport. Friday went to the mall with my Mom and Sister and bought a bunch of games for my XBOX. Saturday said goodbye to my Sister as she and Mom drove back to Orlando/Sanford to get her to the Airport with a side trip to IKEA. Then spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and getting ready for a business trip that I had to go on for work to Fairmont West Virgina.

That next morning Sunday the 28th I got up at 4:30 a.m. so my Father could take me to the Tampa Airport for my 8:45 flight. He had to be at work anyway. The flight was an experience to say the least. We got stuck in the Charlotte Airport for 12 hours because our plane broke. Because of that delay we did not reach the hotel in Fairmont until 1:45 a.m. on Monday the 29th. The rest of the trip was uneventful. We spent the day at one of our outsourced sites helping the new hires and spending the evenings at the Hotel. New year's day I worked for six hours then came back to the hotel to watch the second half of the Capital One Bowl and a Looney Tunes marathon on Cartoon Network. Our flight home was only disrupted by the complete shutdown of Pittsburgh International Airport because of some yahoo breaking the security rules.

But I'm home now and glad that December is behind me. I am in the second week of the run of a very good show and enjoying my Christmas Toy.

I hope you will forgive me for the delay but this should shed some light on the situation.

Til we meet again
