Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Your lack of pants disturbs me.

I have a new catchphrase. It is derived from an interview that Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker, gave during the filming of the Empire of Dreams documentary found on the special features disk of the Star Wars DVD's.

It goes something like this. "...of all the things to worry about...the Wookie has no pants." This quote is in direct correlation to a memory of some memos that he saw while filming Star Wars, in which the executives at 20th Century Fox were expressing their concern about the fact that Chewbacca was essentially naked. He recalls that there were suggestions of putting the Wookie into various clothing including a deravation of Lederhosen and he states that he was amazed that with all the other problems that the shoot had encountered, they chose something as stupid as that to put in a memo.

It has got me thinking about the current economic crisis this country is going through, and what irrelevant things were on the national stage while we should have been focusing on this, because this is not anything that happened overnight. I have tabulated a list. Hope you enjoy.

1. Congressional hearings about steroid use in Baseball.

2. Lindsay, Britney, and Paris; need I say more.

3. Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction.

4. The bridge to nowhere.

5. Al Gore.

So sports fans look over these in light of the fact that we are sitting close to the edge of what could become the Second Great Depression and just remember. "...of all the things to worry about...the Wookie has no pants."

Til' we meet again.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A transcendental Experience.

One of the coolest things for a person to experience is the feeling of stepping outside oneself in a purely transcendental moment.

As of today it has happened to me twice, and fittingly with both of my great loves. The first time was my senior year in high school. It was one of the last baseball games of that season. We were getting killed by a team that we had never lost too in 4 years of games. Needless to say it was not a fun day, but about the 5th or 6th inning I was coming to bat for the 3rd time that game and I suddenly knew that I was going to hit a home run. I can't explain it but I truly knew balls to bones that I would be going yard on the very first pitch of that at bat. Sure enough the first pitch I crushed the ball about 360 feet over the center field fence and rounded the bases.

The funny thing is that it was almost like I was watching myself do it. It was unbelievable, and a feeling that I never thought that I would have again.

Then this past Thursday came along. As many 0f you may know I am currently involved in my second great love, a theatrical endeavor known as Neil Simon's The Odd Couple. While on stage last week, I was reciting my lines when I realized that I was consciously aware of how natural they sounded. It was like my brain had split into two camps. The side that needed to focus on my lines was parked in auto-pilot allowing my analytical side to evaluate my performance. It was scary cool. Again the only way that I can describe it was like stepping out of myself to watch my performance from the audience as an audience member.

If you have never felt this sensation I highly recommend it. There is nothing out there as far as sensation goes to compare.

Til' we meet again
