Friday, February 22, 2008

If they rebooted the franchise. Part 1.

I was thinking the other day, the new trend in movies right now is to take movies that have had success in the past that have fallen on hard times and "Reboot" the franchise. Batman Begins, Superman Returns and Rob Zombies Halloween just to name a few. So I started to think about what movies I love that I would like to see rebooted and who I would cast in the roles. So occasionally I will be posting my ideas for reboots. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to join in.

Movie #1


This is one of my all time favorite movies. I love the original and the subsequent television series that followed. Unfortunately just about every one of the sequels has sucked hardcore. The only one that was and still is watchable is Endgame and that is only because of Adrian Paul, who is a far better actor and more believable Scotsman than Christopher Lambert. So if I were to remake this movie this is who I would use.

Connor MacLeod: Gerrard Butler: The guy is a phenomenal actor plus he is a full blooded Scot.

Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez: This is the role immortalized by Sean Connery. So when thinking of an actor who has not only the chops but the obvious sex appeal to follow that legend only one actor springs to mind. Antonio Banderas

The Kurgan: The main antagonist. This role was beautifully crafted by Clancy Brown. He has a very distinctive bass voice so the only man who could play this part in my mind in Tony Todd aka The Candyman.

Brenda Wyatt: This one was tough because the character of Brenda is one of the few that I have always felt was underdeveloped but I think I would have to pair Mr. Butler with his 300 co-star Lena Heady. She is not only beautiful but a very strong and talented actress.

Heather MacLeod: I believe that Kate Winslet would be a great Heather. Not only is she talented she has a certain gravitas about her that Heather would need to have.

As for the rest of the cast it is really only small bit parts so they could be filled with just about anyone. One thing I would do however is write in an appearance for Duncan MacLeod so that Adrian Paul could have a cameo but that is just me.

Anyway I know that I am the biggest dork of all time but I don't care. This is what I've chosen to write about today. I hope you have enjoyed this post and there will be more to follow. Feel free to join in the discussion.

Til we meet again,


Saturday, February 9, 2008


I consider myself somewhat of an amateur wordsmith and every now and then I wil read or hear a word that sticks out as a really cool one. So I am taking this opportunity to share some of those words that have struck me in my life. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do but if you don't I really could care less.

1. Nefarious- adjective
extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous: a nefarious plot.

2.Malevolent- adjective
wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.
evil; harmful; injurious: a malevolent inclination to destroy the happiness of others.
Astrology. evil or malign in influence.

3. Puhlcritude- noun
physical beauty; comeliness.

4. Svelte- adjective, svelt·er, svelt·est.
slender, esp. gracefully slender in figure; lithe.
suave; blandly urbane.

5. Asinine-
foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid: It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements.
of or like an ass: asinine obstinacy; asinine features.

6. Gorked- See above.

That's all for now. I'll post more at a later time

Til' we meet again


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Have you ever noticed.

What is with getting sick just a few days before you are set to do something important. As many of you know I am in the middle of a show right now called Veronica's Room. We opened last weekend to rave reviews and are set to close this weekend. This means that this weekend is important because we have to live up to the hype that has been generated by the newspaper review and word of mouth recomendations. So what happens to me 4 days before we are set to close out this show. I come down with a cold and a fever of 102 degrees. Not that I am really feeling it now as the fever has come down and steadied itself at 100 and is sure to start falling at anytime. But it really sucks when this happens. Not because of being sick, although it is not a pleasant experience. It's the uncertainty. Not knowing if you are going to kick it in time to be effective at whatever it is you have planned. And of course to top it all off I still have to go to work. Now some of you may say why not stay home. Well there are two very good reasons. The first is that I would have to give up a hell of a lot of overtime to stay home this week, and that is almost as undesirable as getting sick. The other is that, and my brother Dwight can help me out here, Wade's don't take sick days unless we are really, really sick. I am talking gutter crawling, comode hugging sick. Any way I just needed to vent a little as this situation just blows.

Til' we meet again,
