For many years now I have had memories of a 1970's anime cartoon that I used to watch as a child. It had to do with what many of those shows had to do with, namely a giant robot controlled by a human being that was charged with saving the world ala Voltron. One of the key differences with this show was that the robot resided under the protagonists swimming pool or fountain when not in use, and would rise up out of it when needed. The protagonist would then hop into a flying saucer like machine and fly up to the robots head where he would dock and then take the controls. However when ever I asked anyone if they knew what the name of this show I was looked at like I had two heads or something. My wonderful brother even went so far once as to call me crazy when I asked him about it and said that there was no such show.
Well today I am vindicated as my new best friend from my training class has informed me that I am in fact not crazy when it comes to my recollections of this cartoon. He was a huge fan of it when he was a kid and its name is Mazinger Z or Tranzor Z for us Americans.
So to all of you who said that I was a looney freak for remembering a show that did not exist, I only have one thing to say to you... KISS MY PALE HAIRY WHITE ASS!!!
Til we meet again
Great, so you aren't crazy. You are just reaching new levels of dorkitude that previously have not existed.
Even after seeing the picture and hearing the name I still have no f-ing idea what they heck you are talking about.
went through the same thing we where going through our carttons we watched as kids and when I brought up Tranzor Z everyone went silent...looked at me for about 5 seconds then went on talking like I wasn't there. I'm going to print out a full Document of this and post it at work lol.
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