So this weekend saw the end of another play, and I have a few things that I want to say and a couple of pictures to share.
First off Epic Proportions is the stage equivalent to movies such as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. It is a stupid, predictable, laugh out loud riot of a show that I was both fortunate and unlucky enough to be a part of. This show gave me the chance to do something that I never get to do, be the funny man.
Usually in comedies I play the straight man. This is a combination of both my acting style, which tends to be understated and subtle, and my natural sense of humor. Those who know me can testify that I am nothing if not a smart-ass. But I was given the wonderful gift by our director and my good friend Peter Clapsis, to step outside myself and truly be wacky, zany, and funny. Looking back it was something that I will always cherish because I got the chance to really stretch myself as both and actor and a person. So to Peter I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
To my fellow cast mates, I took something away from each and everyone of you that I will hold dear for the rest of my life. Chris, in you I found a kindred spirit who I both respect as an actor and was awed in watching. Jess, I have seen you blossom a lot from the young actress that I met during Veronica's Room. Your sense of urgency and professionalism were an inspiration to me, and your legs ain't half-bad either :p. Juan you are one of the few people whom I have met who not only has a passion for theater equal to mine but also a love of life and questioning of the status-quo. Michael, I have known you for a few years now and I must say that if I did not my life would be less interesting than it is. Lezlee, not only are you extremely talented in dance and acting, but you have a love for life that is inspiring to see. Dalton I have marvelled at your talent for several years and feel as though I was blessed with a glimpse at a true master at work. Mitch, in you I have found a brother. I have only known you for a very short while but feel as though we have lived a lifetime of friendship. Cheryl and Jeanine, you both raise me up to a higher level of consciousness. Barbara, Linda, Carol, and Lauren, I feel truly blessed by God to know you and look forward to being friends for many years to come.
That's pretty much all I have left to say. So I will let the pictures say the rest.
'Til we meet again